3 Ways to Invest Your Tax Refund

It’s no question that most people would rather own a home than rent. You can choose your own paint colors, have all the dogs you want, and not have to worry about sharing walls with another family.

So what’s keeping you from buying a home?

MYTH: There’s a perfect buyer that the lenders are looking for, you have to have perfect credit, and you can’t have messed up once in your life, because if you do, a lender won’t take you.

Our advice: Don’t focus on the negative!

We love to solve real estate problems. From buying your unwanted home to helping first-time homebuyers navigate the unknowns, we love a good challenge!

We believe in investing – In your family, your future, and yourself. What could be a better investment than a fully remodeled home?

With tax refunds coming in, we think this is a great season for investing. If you’ve been thinking about purchasing a home, consider using your tax refund to help you get closer to your goal!

We know that saving your tax refund for a down payment sounds ideal, but sometimes it is not what is really needed. You can instead use your tax money to pay down other debt. This can help bring money back into your budget and increase your buying power.

3 Ways To Invest Your Tax Refund If Your Goal Is To Own A Home

Use your tax refund to increase your credit score.

Pay balances down on some credit cards to increase your credit score. You want to keep a little bit of revolving debt, so it’s best to keep your balance just under 10%.

Pro tip: If you have 3 different cards that are all maxed out or have high balances, it’s best to spread out the payments. So having all three cards at 50% is better than having one card at 10%. This can be hard to keep under control because sometimes you can have good intentions. But paying off debt has to be done strategically when you are looking to buy a home.

Use your tax refund to pay off high-interest payday loans.

You could be paying upwards of 60-70% on these loans, which means you are paying a lot for a little bit of money that you have been given access to. You want to go after these loans first if they are there, and this will free up money to be able to pay off other debt or put down on a mortgage.

Use the tax refund to pay off collections.

This is where it can get tricky, so it’s important to have a strategy in place! Sometimes, you don’t want to jump on an older collection. It looks better on the front end to pay off credit from the earliest to the oldest.