Buying & Selling Homes in Charlottesville, VA

New Again Houses® transforms houses into fantastic modern homes that families can enjoy for years to come. To give you some insight on buying and selling homes in Charlottesville, Virginia and surrounding areas, we sat down with the very first New Again Houses® Franchise Owner, Eric Wilkening, to discuss his unique experience. New Again Houses®… Continue reading Buying & Selling Homes in Charlottesville, VA

How to Get Started Flipping Houses

There is a difference between flipping a house and flipping houses. You can flip a house without a business, but successfully flipping houses requires building a business that is bigger than a single ambitious individual. There are many ways to add value to a single house. If you want to get started flipping houses rather… Continue reading How to Get Started Flipping Houses

Facing Foreclosure? What to Expect.

Are you facing foreclosure? You know you’ve missed several mortgage payments, but you just can’t seem to get back on track. Before you panic, decide whether you want to stay in the home or move.