How to Spend the Least Amount of Time, Money, and Effort Selling an Outdated House

There’s so much that needs to be done. 

You don’t have a clue where to begin.

The appliances are decades old. There’s shag carpeting in the bedrooms. And a rotary phone is still sitting in the hallway cubby hole.

Your house needs to be updated. In general, it’s in good shape, but it definitely could use some modernization. 

If you want to get rid of your home without undergoing major renovations, here are your options for selling an outdated house and how a cash buyer can help. 

Where Do I Begin with Selling an Outdated Home?

There are some things you can do to improve the look of your home without having to tackle big projects. 

Make Small Changes 

Curb appeal counts, so straighten up your yard. The landscaping gives a potential buyer their first impression of the home and a gut reaction on whether they can see themselves living there. You can make the upkeep simple by pulling weeds, mowing the grass, and planting a few flower pots.

No one wants a dirty home, so clean and declutter. This includes general tasks like sweeping and vacuuming, as well as paying attention to neglected windows and window sills. You could also tackle dirty grout, stained carpets, and marked walls.

A little work goes a long way, so make small repairs. You should be able to patch holes, fix broken hinges, and repair leaky pipes without too much time, effort, or money. Replacing knobs on cabinets and adding new caulking are other ways to spruce up the look of your home.

Highlight the Best Features

You were likely drawn to this home by a few key concepts; therefore, it makes sense to highlight those points for the next buyer. Even though it needs some updating, your home may have appealing features such as:

  • A spacious closet
  • An open floor plan
  • A master suite
  • A home office
  • A fireplace
  • A patio

It’s more important for the house to have good bones than whether the decor is the potential buyer’s preferred style. They can change carpets to hardwood floors; they can’t alter the school district or the home’s proximity to the park.

With virtual staging, you can even help the next buyer see what the home could look like after renovation. This is where a photographer takes photos of your house as-is, then an artist creates renderings that showcase the home’s potential.

Price the Home Correctly 

You don’t want to try to make the home into something it’s not. If you want to sell it, it’s best to price it as a fixer-upper and not as a turnkey property. Though most buyers are looking for a move-in-ready home, there are people out there searching for an investment project.

Here’s how to figure out the right price for your outdated home.

  1. Begin by calculating the value of your house if it were already renovated.
  2. List all the required upgrades and their corresponding costs. 
  3. Separate the most important tasks from the least important ones.
  4. Decide which renovations you can afford (and want) to do yourself. 
  5. Subtract the buyer’s costs from the value of the home.
  6. Arrive at your asking price.

The scope of renovation is something to consider when determining how much to ask for your house. Simple changes like replacing light fixtures or removing old wallpaper are more feasible than moving walls or rebuilding the foundation.

Sell the Home As-Is 

If you don’t want to invest any time, money, or effort into selling an outdated property, you can list it on the market in its current condition. However, since the majority of buyers want a turnkey house, your pool of prospects will shrink.

The buyer of your home as-is will likely be one of three types of people:

  • A flipper who wants to renovate the home and sell it for profit
  • A bargain hunter who will invest in renovations because of the location
  • A remodeler with money to spend on their vision of the perfect home 

If any of these potential buyers require financial assistance, it’s going to take several days or possibly months to get to the point where you hand over the keys. However, a cash buyer can give you a fast and fair offer within minutes of evaluating your property and close the deal in as little as seven days.

How to Exert Little Effort in Selling an Outdated House

Now you know the best options for selling an outdated property—without putting in major work—and how a cash buyer can make the process easier.

Making small changes, highlighting the best features, and pricing the home correctly can help you find the right buyer for your house. However, a cash buyer provides a quicker way for you to leave the property behind with the least amount of time, money, and energy spent. 

Contact New Again Houses® today for a fair cash offer from a trusted local home buyer. Give us a chance and we’ll solve your real estate problem.