Why More People Are Selling Their Houses Without a Realtor

Are you thinking about selling your home in the future? If so, you might be thinking about selling a house on your own. Most people use a real estate agent when they sell their homes because they are unfamiliar with the rules and regulations surrounding real estate. They also want to make sure they get as much money as possible for their homes; however, there are more people who are selling a house without a real estate agent today. What are some of the top reasons why you would want to sell your house without a real estate agent?

You Can Find a Lot of Information Online

First, you can find a lot of information online that may help you sell your home. One of the top reasons why people work with a real estate agent is that they want to make sure they understand exactly how much their home is worth. Now, it is possible to look up the property values for comparable properties online. If you can figure out how much similar houses in the area are selling for, you may be able to price your home accurately. That way, you don’t have to worry about scaring off buyers with a high price, and you don’t have to worry about leaving money on the table with a low price.

You Can Save Money

Next, you can save money on the sale of your house if you are able to sell your house on your own. If you sell your house with the help of a real estate agent, you may lose thousands of dollars in the form of a realtor’s commission. If you decide not to work with a selling agent, you may be able to keep more of this money for yourself. You can put this money toward your next house, or even retirement. Remember, you will probably still have to pay a real estate commission to the buyer’s agent, depending on to whom you sell your house.

You Retain Control Over the Process

In addition, you will also retain control over the sale process if you decide to sell your house on your own. You don’t have to worry about the opinion of your real estate agent differing from your own if you decide to sell your house independently. You will have total control over dictating the terms, and you can dedicate as much time and effort toward selling your home as you would like. You don’t have to worry about your agent falling behind, and you don’t have to worry about your agent moving too quickly.

You Might Sell Your House Faster

Finally, you might sell your house faster if you decide to sell your home on your own. A lot of real estate agents are busy with multiple listings at the same time. They may not have time to think about selling your house every day. This could slow down the process of the sale. Furthermore, if you decide to sell your house on your own, you may already have a potential buyer in mind. Therefore, you simply have to find terms that are favorable to both parties before you can close the sale.

Consider Selling Your Home Without a Real Estate Agent

Ultimately, there are several benefits that come with selling without a real estate agent. You may be able to save time and money while retaining control over the process. Though forgoing a real estate agent might be an option for some people, it is not always the best move for everyone. Consider the benefits and drawbacks of selling your house without a real estate agent before you decide if this is right for you.